I made it! 30 posts in 30 days. I’ve got frustrated, bored and stressed, but this has been very rewarding. I think I’ve become a better writer, I know I have become a braver one, and I hope that will continue. I think I’ve got over some of my neuroses about blogging. Working at this …
Monthly archives: November 2012
I’m really, really not going to have kids!
Earlier this month I wrote about how I sometimes consider the parallel universe in which Terry and I had children. A couple of weeks later Terry came across this article featuring the number of ‘unwanted’ pregnancies in the US. According to this, half of pregnancies in the United States are unintended. Since deciding I didn’t …
Continue reading “I’m really, really not going to have kids!”
It’s barrel scraping time!
I’m into the final few days of NaBloPoMo, and I’m pretty fed up of it now. I’ve spent most of my free time in the past month trying to think of something interesting or clever to say. I’m bored of trying to be interesting or clever. I want to go back to playing computer games. …
My attitude to money
A while ago a friend of mine posted this article about personal finance. This is a particular area of interest for me as I have discussed previously. The piece de-constructs 5 money ‘habits’ the author adopted from an early age, growing up with limited means. I have difficulty characterising how I spent my formative years …
Will having a tablet make me stupid?
Yonks ago during lunch I came across Charlie Brooker being quite funny in the Guardian about tablets. I felt this quite accurately reflected my position on tablets. I just didn’t get the appeal. I had a smart phone upon which I was quite happy checking Facebook and Twitter, looking at the news headlines, playing the …
It’s not F**king phone hacking!
Terry, being the self-respecting geek that he is, has a slew of black t-shirts with amusing and/or controversial slogans on them. One of my favourites is one which reads “It’s not F**king phone hacking!” Speedily produced after the ‘phone hacking’ scandal really hit the consciousness of the general public, this t-shirt seeks to highlight an …
People are stupid parts 3 & 4
The following 2 gripes with humanity actually stem from things I’ve seen on Terry’s blog. The first is the phenomenon of the following reasoning: If I can’t see it, it doesn’t happen. There are people who, despite appearing to acknowledge the depth and breadth of human experience, are nonetheless happy to declare that a certain …
Being a wuss
I’m scared of rollercoasters. I hate the idea of deliberately simulating the sensation of falling/speeding/going upside down. In real life any of these sensations would likely be a sign that something really quite bad was happening, and I have no wish to engender this feeling for fun. Theme parks always look so rickety. And without …
Women Bishops
The Church of England has recently voted against allowing females to become bishops, falling just short of the 2/3rd majority needed to overturn the status quo. As an atheist I’m not overly concerned by this. While I agree with the point made by a friend of mine – that as long as Bishops are invited …
People are stupid part 2
On the occasions I take the bus into work rather than walking, which as the weather gets colder becomes more frequent, I am frustrated by the number of people who will not sit in a vacant seat when the bus is crowded. I assume this stems from the terror that if you take a seat …