This was on my long list of games I figured I’d get around to purchasing eventually, but my opportunity to play it came around quicker than expected thanks to a rather thoughtfull birthday gift! Protagonist Aloy is an adventurer, a warrior and also happens to be a clone of the person who was kind of …
Category archives: Uncategorized
Submitting evidence to the House of Lords
A few days ago I received an email informing me that the report from the House of Lords Digital Fraud Committee had been published. This was exciting news, as I had submitted some written evidence myself. The email provided me with the option to read the report as both a PDF and HTML – someone …
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Game review: BtVS Chaos Bleeds
How do you follow up 10 hours playing the game you were obsessed by 20 years ago? By spending a further 15 hours playing the game you were obsessed by 19 years ago! After the fun but rather basic original XBox game based on the hit TV show was released in August 2022, the follow …
Game Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I’d give a spoiler warning, but since this game is coming up to its 20th birthday next month, that’s probably unnecessary. Yep, it was August 2002 that everyone’s favourite Californian Nemesis of the Undead made her games console debut on XBox. As detailed at a certain BarCamp many moons ago, then written up as an …
Spider-Man Miles Morales review – spoilers
As regular readers (both of you) will recall, at the tail end of last year I let my PS Now subscription lapse with a final hurrah of Gravity Rush. I enjoyed that game in no small part due to its similarities with a certain web swinging hero based in New York city. So I embarked …
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Gravity Rush Remastered Review
My PS Now subscription is nearly at its end, having to a substantial degree kept me sane for the past 12 months. I’ve played, and replayed, some cracking games on it, and it’s been a blast. But to be brutally honest, the content has got a bit… samey. I’ve got a dozen or so games …
Far Cry: New Dawn game review
Spoilers abound! A few weeks ago, on a rare occasion of leaving my house, I found myself venturing into a CEX, where I have spent many fond minutes and pounds! As documented in my RDR2 review I had fortuitously converted my £60 of CEX credit into games back in December 2019, which got me through …
Game review – Horizon Zero Dawn
Here be spoilers! Next up in my ongoing journey through the delights of Playstation Now is 2017 RPG Horizon Zero Dawn. There is a lot to like here. The plot is similar in scope to Mass Effect; a sweeping apocalyptic saga of survival and desperation. We get the benefit of seeing humanity’s doom play out …
Link’s Awakening Switch review
Just over 9 years ago I came back home from my local GP, arm heavily bandaged, having had my first contraceptive implant put in. My console of choice at the time was the Nintendo Wii – a game changer (pun intended) in freeing the player from traditional controllers. No longer did the gamer need to …
Ring Fit Adventure review
A year ago today I took delivery of the Nintendo Ring Fit gaming system, which would turn out to be a very wise lock-down investment. I haven’t completed it per se, although I have got through the main story mode. But since this is an ongoing activity, today seems as good a day as any …